Lemme tell you'bout my birthday, and how great it was. Ready? Okay.
I woke up on time, ready to go running like Paul promised we would. He, however, didn't get up until way, way later. When he finally did, we went running. Then he made me breakfast! Pancakes, eggs and sausage. Yummy! Then I called a bunch of people, trying to organize everything. Then it was time for some homework, and before I knew it, it was 4:00. So, Paul took me to Red Robin, so I could get one of those "pretty" drinks. I got a Tropical Mai Tai (ooooh), and I took a picture.
So, that was my drink. Then the waiters and waitresses brought me balloons and stuck them behind my ears, while they sang at me and shoved a sundae in my face. It was fun!
Then Paul and I left to go to The Edgefeild. We were apparently the last ones to show up, since we found everyone hanging out already. So we rented our clubs, paid for our ways, and bought our drinks, and took off for the green. There were ten of us. A very large group to take golfing. But we did it anyway! They made me go first the first few holes (probably until I started getting a bit tipsy). And it turns out, I was the worst one. I was even worse than the people who had never picked up a golf club before. Haha, go me! Man-o-man...
So, we didn't keep score. But I'm sure one of the two guys who
brought their own clubs did the best. Damn fancy-pants'. Anyway, here's the rundown. It was: Paul, Meggan, Daniel, April, Ryan, Lizz, Brandon, Clint and Kevin, and Devin showed up for a little while as well. So... it took us two hours to get through nine holes. Yeah. I told you ten people is a lot to go golfing with! And I'm sure it didn't help that some of us were a tad drunk.
Oh, I completely forgot to mention the bunny that ran across the green on Hole #3. Ryan snuck up on it, then chased it away before I could get a decent picture. But I did get
a picture... I might as well put that up, too. He sort of blends in with his background. I swear he was there, though.
And so we finished playing, and organized car rides for the drinkers, drunkards, and the under-aged. We sent the youngsters home while I continued on with Brandon, Clint, Ryan and April. As we were leaving, Meggan and Daniel brought out the gift they had gotten for me: Rum, Smoothie mix, and the most
awesome cocktail glasses,
ever! They have green polka dots all over them (not pictured, sorry). I love them to death!
So anyway, the youngsters went home. And the other five of us went to Cheers! I had two "untrue" Tic-tacs, which consisted of vodka, Red Bull and orange juice (I believe). The reason they weren't "true" Tic-tacs, is because they didn't have a drop-shot in them. Oh well. They were tasty anyway. Oh yeah... hah. When I first got there, I had to go to the bathroom. And as I
was washing my hands, this chick came in and asked me "what to do when the world starts spinning around you." I told her I had no idea, as long as both feet were on the ground. Then I suggested cheesy fries, and she made a "yum" sort of noise. She was sort of leaning on the counter, and since I felt bad for her, and slightly akward, I rubbed her back. She kept talking though, and said she didn't think she was gunna make it. I said I didn't know, and made another suggestion. This time, french bread. She said that sounded like a "grande idea," then continued saying many overly Americanized versions of Spanish words. Then she said "Sionara, Callie," and pushed through the bathroom stall door. It was weird. And silly. And I felt bad for her.
So anyway, I went back to my good time with my friends. We decided to play some pool. I think I played against Brandon. I told him I would rack, and he said something about doing a good job, so I did it the anal-retentive way, and put all the colors next to each other. I think he got a kick out of it (yeah, I was pretty drunk). Anyway, the next thing I knew, my balls were the only ones left on the table. I think I did a bad job... whoops! Then the table was given up to some old guys. Clint and Ryan were playing a game, and Clint decided to have a cigarette. So... I started asking permission to have one. Wow, can you say "dependant childhood?" Hahah, jeeze I'm a nerd. I am both proud and displeased to say that I had many more cigarettes that night, without anymore sheepish askings-of-permission.
Anyway, April and Ryan had to go home, since April had to work in the morning. So we all left, and then there were three. Clint, Brandon and I drove back downtown, blasting Queens of the Stoneage and the White Stripes, me singing my lungs out the whole way. Hahahah, I'm laughing at myself out loud right now, remembering what a good time I had. So we parked in the Pearl, and on our way Downtown, I really,
really had to go pee. I mean really. I was going to explode. So I went behind a bush. Next to a building. In the Pearl District. C'mon, really. What would you have done? What other choice did I have?!? It was late and no one was around. Don't worry. I don't even remember what building it was (heehee).
So we arrived at another bar, where Clint could finally get his drink on. I had a very, very tall Rockstar and Vodka, which I'm sure had more Vodka than Rockstar. Then the bartender learned it was my birthday, and became upset that he hadn't carded me. So then, after finishing our drinks, we went to Mary's, which was a strip club a few strides down the block. We weren't there for very long, however (I can't remember why though), and we left Mary's to go to The Cabaret.
Now, I hear that this place is pretty dirty, but of course I don't hear this until the days following my birthday. Oh well! I was too drunk to notice/care (but it turns out poor Clint is sick now...). Anyway, we watched some stage dancing for a bit before Brandon bought me a lapdance. We were trying to pick a good-looking girl, but I bet if we had gone back sober that would have been impossible. Anyway, I changed my mind a few times, but once we had decided on a girl, I got the lapdance Brandon had been promising me the entire night. I only remember a few things about it, like her telling me I couldn't touch her boobs or butt or couch, and the fact that she peeked down my shirt so she could see my boobs. Haha, I was like "Okay!" Anyway, she stayed to talk to us afterwards, and when she learned it was my birthday she went to go tell the DJ-guy, who announced it to the rest of the joint. I was getting "Happy Birthday Callie!"'s for the rest of the night from all the girls.
Anyway, we
finally left that place. If it seems like we were there for a long time while I was drunk, then we must have been there for way, way longer. We walked the short distance back to The Yards while laughing and yelling and making promises to "do this again sometime" and me getting lifted in the air. Hahaha, good times, good times indeed. When we got back to the apartments, I was informed that Paul was already on his way to come get me. He arrived shortly thereafter, and I bid my goodbyes to my drinkin' buddies, and we went home. I made my way very carefully down the basement stairs (I had been worried about those stairs for days prior to the event, so I took extra care getting down them), and promptly threw up upon entering the bathroom. I went to sleep, woke up parched with a dizzy step, then slept again until two. Happy Birthday to me!! Hahaha...
Oh yeah, ps. I went birthday shopping on Tuesday and got some new clothes. Here's the classic "myspace" pose, modeling my new shirt.