
Feeling wholly defeated.

in a nutshell, i'm down because everything seems to be going against the grain for me. i'm usually up for a challenge, and can face big changes head-on, but everything hitting me at once is just making me feel defeated. my roommate/best friend/ex-boyfriend (of four years) is moving out in a week. i knew he wouldn't be around forever, but it's still extremely hard for me to finally let him go. i know i'll be down for a while after he's gone. i have to decide if i want to stay at my job (a job that's making me miserable) and wait until i can end it on good terms with a secured new job, or just leave and spend my days forging through the great unknown, hoping i land something else soon (even if i have to settle for a joe-job). also, i don't have a car, which means once paul leaves i'll have to start commuting to work by bus (over an hour each way). i can do that, but if i found a job downtown i'd have a 20-minute commute. not to mention the glamor of working downtown. i still don't know how i'm going to pay off my student loans. my two other best friends (plant and nicole, also co-workers) are pretty much a duo right now, leaving me to be the third wheel. i just found out that one of my favorite uncles is in a coma, one of my sisters is depressed, and another sister is in the hospital for surgery. to top it off, i spent the past two and a half months turning down guys and otherwise killing my dating life, because i thought i was pursuing something at least semi-worthwhile, only to find out that i'm easy to walk away from.
so... yes. lately i've been extremely exhausted, abnormally quiet, a little bit snappy, and devastatingly unmotivated. i wish i could see the light at the end of the tunnel, but i know that it'll take a lot of effort on my part before i get there, and i really don't think i can muster the effort right now. overall, i'm pretty much disheartened by everything.


Discipline or Masochism?

I'm feeling much better. I think I had a therapeutic weekend. I went nonstop for the entire duration, but I think it was good for me. I feel better. There's nothing like wearing myself out to the point of exhaustion, and pretty much beating the concern and worries out of me. It seems like an interesting way to go about one's life. Maybe I've found exactly what I need...


Wicked Game

Is there any particular reason I feel like my whole earth is falling apart? I don't understand why the foundation is falling away from me. I thought I had everything under control.

Nothing is in control. Everything is wrong.

I thought I could handle this. All of it. Not a single thing is right for me at the moment. I don't know what to do.