
Slap Jack

Great game.



Good moring! Weird night...

Wanna tell you about my weird night at The Pub [PATEOTU] last night.

First of all, i wasn't even sure i wanted to go out at all, due to the uneasy nature of my stomach earlier that day. But i decided the virus had come and gone, and a few glasses of beer would be rather refreshing. So Josh and Drew come to pick me up, and the night begins.

We arrive at The Pub. While ordering the pitcher of Mirror Pond, we notice it's open mic night. Drew jots something down on the sign-up list. A nearby patron takes notice, and starts talking to us. Strikes up a convo about open mic night, exchanges introductions, whatever. We go sit down. Josh brings up the fact that Drew wrote his name on the sign-up sheet. What are you gunna do when they call your name, we ask. Drew says he'll improvise. Hehe, that should be good...

Smoke break. We all go outside to keep each other company, and Drew leaves his camera and phone on the table. Josh decides to pocket them, then see how long it takes Drew to notice. I smile and forget about it.

Once inside again, we decide to grab an open pool table. Turns out i was on FIRE! Won several games of cutthroat. Go me!! Anyway, the dude from earlier, at the bar, is sitting in our area. He notices there are only three of us at the table, and tries to get in on a game of doubles. We tell him, if I win the next game, we'll play doubles with him. If not, we keep going with cutthroat. Without him. So a few more games go by... I was wining a bit, but we sort of kept that fact from Extra Dude. See, he was sort of a creeper. Maybe he was just drunk, who knows. But we were perfectly happy without him.

Some guy walks in that i recognize. Ohh man, it's the guy who dropped me on my head, onto a bench, a few weeks ago. Never let a drunk guy try to dip you while dancing. He takes a seat close to our table. I didn't expect he would recognize me, if i ever did see him again. Well, tonight's the night, and i'm pretty sure he doesn't. Hah, fine with me.

Meanwhile, Drew lets me in on the secret that he actually put Josh's name on the sign-up list, not his own. Hehe. I laugh, a lot, and forget about it.

Finally Creeper gets us to let him play a game of doubles. Guess what, he's on my team. Hooray.

By this time, a performer has gotten up to stage that Drew and i happen to be fans of. We saw him by accident a few weeks ago, when we also happened to go on a Monday night (which is the regular night for open-mic acts). When we'd seen him a few weeks ago, he could barely stand. Seriously, he was pinballing off of everything near his path due to what appeared to be vast alcohol consumption. To our surprise, however, he took the stage, and won over the crowd. This guy has a really unique voice, lots of soul, and can pelt it out so the whole place has no choice but to pay attention. Awesome.

So anyway, he's up playing again. It's good to hear him. :)

Back at our pool game, Creeper is getting touchy-feely. Apparently with everyone. Rubs on the back, grabs on the side... Ugh. I try to keep my distance. I step up to line up a shot that would give me a good leave. He comes over to point out an obvious and easy shot. I'm already completely annoyed that he's been throwing compliments at me left and right all night, over every mundane move i make. I try to be nice, but thankfully Drew calls out that i know how to play the game. Creeper walks away. I guess that's when he told the guys that he was attracted to my strong will, since i didn't take his advice. Ew.

Just as the game was ending, Fumbles tries to strike up a conversation with me. "We've met," i tell him. "Are you sure about that? What's my name?" I tell him his name. You can see the "oh shit" look materialize on his face. "Yeah, it was a few weeks ago. You dropped me on my head. I had a knot there for days." At least three. "Oh shit, that was you?! Didn't you have a friend with you? Have you known it was me the whole night, or did you just recognize me?? Oh, hey man." Just then his friend walks in, the same friend that witnessed my head injury a few weeks ago. "Hey! Do you remember me?," i ask, thinking it was perfect timing that he should show up. He was pretty much sober that night, i knew he'd recognize me. Turns out he even remembered my name.

The game ends. I think Drew and Josh won, 'cause i couldn't concentrate on a single shot i tried to take. They pretty much swept the table.

I go sit down to sip on my beer some more. Just as i'm relazing, some dreadlocked-girl comes over to our table. "Hey girl! Will you come outside with me? 'Cause you're a girl?" I decide to go, thinking she's probably not a nutcase. I was wrong, turns out she was. Schitzophrenic, to be exact. I don't know why she wanted to go outside with a girl, she never really struck up a meaningful conversation with me. Or even a convo with any semblance of a purpose... Oh well. I snuck away when she turned her interests to someone else. The three of us left asap, went home and watched a movie.

Weird night. Guess that's what Mondays are for...


The beginning

Just watched the beginning that I had missed. Bawled SO much more. Ohh man. If you're in the mood for a good cry ever... Reservation Road.
Good actors + good story = gooood stuff.

Reservation Road

Bawling my eyes out right now. The movie just ended, and it was so good. I didn't even see the first half hour of the movie, but I was still emotionally invested in, and had full empathy with, each of the characters. And with the good storytelling, I was easily able to figure out that it was Mark Ruffalo's character that had killed the boy in the beginning of the movie. Oh man, so good.

Also, never ever thought Joaquin Phoenix looked like Ryan until now. Probably because I don't see his face anymore.

Anyway, good movie. Don't know why I avoided it for so long... guess I had to be in the right mood.


Lip locks

When it comes to kissing, there have been very few mouths that I'd consider were well-suited to kiss mine. I'd say three, maybe four, ever, although I still love kissing and snuggling sometimes more than coitis (what can I say, I'm a girl). However, there are a few moves that I just really can't handle. And many more that I tolerate, but don't fully enjoy.

One of the strange-yet-tolerable instances is the "swirling round and round tongue." I really don't enjoy that, but sometimes it seems like more people dig it than don't, so I guess I can put up with it. But throw in the hard-as-a-rock pointy tongue, and I'm outta there. Nothing says romance like giving your tongue a swirley in my mouth... Ew.

Another fascinatingly-disgusting tongue trick is the whole "lapping like dogs do" bit. Just thinking about this one literally makes me sick to my stomach. This is a kiss, hi. Not a feeding frenzy for a baby bird. Excuse me while I go vomit...

Anyway, this is what was on my mind this morning. Thought I'd share. Now go out there and wow 'em with your non-gross tongue moves, you crazy kissers.