
Fresh Air?

I've been staring at my computer's desktop for the past, oh, fifteen minutes. With my fingers just sitting on the keys, me waaay slumped in my chair (my butt's on the edge), and with what I'm pretty sure is a very crazed look on my face.

I've been inside all day, home alone, with mostly just the internet to keep me company. I only have a few sites I visit regularly, and after going to each of them so many times I memorize the latest content, I start to get a little bit bored. Paul's been gone since 3 today. He went to the school to turn in our assignments, then went to take Meggan and Daniel to Fry's Electronics, in Wilsonville. I called about twenty minutes ago, and they were just getting back. Which probably means I'll be home alone for about another hour.

I had an open-faced tuna melt sandwich earlier, with pretty much rotten bread, tuna that's been sitting in the fridge for a while, and cheese that's most likely okay. I thought about taking a bath, but the thought of stewing in hot water doesn't seem like a good idea right now.

It's really dark in here.

I wanna watch Arrested Development, or Crybaby, or something, but then it seems like I'll feel even less productive than I already do, if that's possible. I'm listening to Damien Rice at the moment, and, while I think it's good music sometimes, other times it is just NOT what you need. But then I try to put on upbeat music, and I just feel like the music is mocking me. Hmm, I just turned the music off, and I think that may be the worst idea I've had yet. I'll put on The Postal Service. There, we'll see how that goes.

I just spaced all those thoughts into paragraphs... aparently I feel too apathetic right now to space my thoughts as I go. Or perhaps they're all just running together anyway. That's probably it.

I think I'm in a strange mood. Is it obvious? It is to me, but that's just me.

Someone... pleeeease talk to me.

That's something that's been on my mind, lately. I don't think I'm a very good friend. I've been neglecting pretty much everyone, more and more. First it was just the people I've moved away from, but I still had friends up here I hung out with regularly. But recently, as in the past few months, probably since Fall, I haven't even been talking to the friends I have up here very often. Which leads to me not getting invited to things, not getting asked for help in times of need, and pretty much just me feeling crappy about the way I treat people. (The Postal Service is turning out to be a good choice). I blame it on school, and me not having time to hang out with anyone, but that's only half-true. What about days like today? I haven't done any homework, and I probably could have gone into Portland to see someone, or at least I could have called a friend to see how he or she was doing. I barely even leave myspace comments on friends' pages. Am I too lazy to upkeep my relationships? Gee, it would appear that way. Wow am I lame...

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