
Breakin' it up, yo!

Spring Break is well under-way. We're in Idaho now, and on our way to Canada tomorrow afternoon. Then we'll be there for a few days, then back to Washington on Thursday. I'm having an absolute blast, so I'll have to let you know all about it when I get back to Portland. Gotta go now though, we're going to watch a movie. Bleh, I'm exhausted!!


It's a nice day

I wish I could go enjoy it. Spring officially starts in two days. I'd like to go hiking. Paul and I just made tentative plans to go up to Eagle Creek the first weekend we're back in school. We'll probably try to get Ryan and April to go with us.

My ten page paper is nearly done, go me! Two weeks late. Haha... Oh well. I'll probably buy some more hair dye to reward myself once it's done. Ryan got a cake for finishing his...

We went to lunch this afternoon with Athena and Roy, Paul's sister and her boyfriend. It was a place called Sweet Tomatos, a salad buffet. Pretty good! Not too spendy, nice and light, free ice cream for dessert. And Ryan invited us to go out for dessert. We might go, don't know yet though. It depends on if I finish my paper or not, or at least get much closer to being done.

Paul and I just got back from a nice little walk around the neighborhood. I missed the nice weather, it's good to have it back.

Behind the Wheel

My little girl
Drive anywhere
Do what you want
I don't care
I'm in the hands of fate
I hand myself
Over on a plate

Oh little girl
There are times when I feel
I'd rather not be
The one behind the wheel
Pull my strings
Watch me move
I'd do anything

Sweet little girl
I prefer
You behind the wheel
And me the passenger
I'm yours to keep
Do what you want
I'm going cheap

You're behind the wheel tonight


Fresh Air?

I've been staring at my computer's desktop for the past, oh, fifteen minutes. With my fingers just sitting on the keys, me waaay slumped in my chair (my butt's on the edge), and with what I'm pretty sure is a very crazed look on my face.

I've been inside all day, home alone, with mostly just the internet to keep me company. I only have a few sites I visit regularly, and after going to each of them so many times I memorize the latest content, I start to get a little bit bored. Paul's been gone since 3 today. He went to the school to turn in our assignments, then went to take Meggan and Daniel to Fry's Electronics, in Wilsonville. I called about twenty minutes ago, and they were just getting back. Which probably means I'll be home alone for about another hour.

I had an open-faced tuna melt sandwich earlier, with pretty much rotten bread, tuna that's been sitting in the fridge for a while, and cheese that's most likely okay. I thought about taking a bath, but the thought of stewing in hot water doesn't seem like a good idea right now.

It's really dark in here.

I wanna watch Arrested Development, or Crybaby, or something, but then it seems like I'll feel even less productive than I already do, if that's possible. I'm listening to Damien Rice at the moment, and, while I think it's good music sometimes, other times it is just NOT what you need. But then I try to put on upbeat music, and I just feel like the music is mocking me. Hmm, I just turned the music off, and I think that may be the worst idea I've had yet. I'll put on The Postal Service. There, we'll see how that goes.

I just spaced all those thoughts into paragraphs... aparently I feel too apathetic right now to space my thoughts as I go. Or perhaps they're all just running together anyway. That's probably it.

I think I'm in a strange mood. Is it obvious? It is to me, but that's just me.

Someone... pleeeease talk to me.

That's something that's been on my mind, lately. I don't think I'm a very good friend. I've been neglecting pretty much everyone, more and more. First it was just the people I've moved away from, but I still had friends up here I hung out with regularly. But recently, as in the past few months, probably since Fall, I haven't even been talking to the friends I have up here very often. Which leads to me not getting invited to things, not getting asked for help in times of need, and pretty much just me feeling crappy about the way I treat people. (The Postal Service is turning out to be a good choice). I blame it on school, and me not having time to hang out with anyone, but that's only half-true. What about days like today? I haven't done any homework, and I probably could have gone into Portland to see someone, or at least I could have called a friend to see how he or she was doing. I barely even leave myspace comments on friends' pages. Am I too lazy to upkeep my relationships? Gee, it would appear that way. Wow am I lame...

Kiss me, I have Irish in me somewhere...

Well, it's St. Patrick's Day, and one of my favorite holidays 'cause everywhere you look you see green. I love green! Unfortunately, I've been inside all day, and haven't even worn green 'cause I've just been wearing a blanket all day, and no one's even been around to pinch me as a consequence. :( Oh well. Better luck next year. I'm starving, in the meantime. I need to go find some food...

Life's just a series of moments

So last night, Paul and I had an awesome, thought-provoking, interesting, problem-solving, involved, and heartfelt three-hour conversation. We haven't done that in such a long time. Seriously, it's been months and months. We were up 'till 3 in the morning, just talking. Afterwards I felt so good, about Paul, about myself, about our relationship, about school, about my life, about Paul's life, and about our relationship. Even today, I still feel the same way. It was good, in 'good's' purest form. It was a moment.


Note to self:

Slow Paul down.


Did you see the words?

"Do you two have any classes not together?"
"Hah, I never see one of you without the other!"
"I wouldn't feel the world was right without you two together!"

So, Paul and I have each noticed (separately) that a LOT of people have been making these sorts of comments lately. A lot. Just recently. It's really weird, actually. I mean really, I'd spend more time away from him if I could. Same goes for him. But we're both always home, with nowhere to go. I can't move back into my apartment because I really can't handle it anymore. I've gotten used to living so much more quietly. Besides, I like living with Paul. Or, we're at school, where we have a bunch of classes together because we're at the same point in our program, and we need to take the same classes. We honestly don't plan on taking a billion classes together. It would be nice if we had more apart, actually.

Don't get me wrong here though. We really don't mind being around each other all the time. Well, we do bicker a bit more than we used to (not to be confused with our play-fighting)... But anyway, we really don't want to be that couple you know as the sickly-sweet, lovey-dovey, never-separated pair. So I'm sure you know we've booted the sickly-sweet and lovey-dovey parts, but it's not easy to get very much alone-time.

To sum up: we like being around each other, don't mind doing things independent of each other.

Now that that's off my chest, I'll tell you about my night. The day was pretty un-eventful. Got up about noon-ish, ate breakfast (I made omelets, which turned out fantastically), had an Afternoon Delight, and then Ryan got ahold of me and invited us to a BBQ. So we took showers and went to that.

We didn't know anyone there besides Ryan and April, but we still had a good time. There was good food (yum, Thank You, by the way), a fun bunch of people, and Scene It! the boardgame. Oh, and someone brought Chinese yo-yo's, bubble necklaces, and rainbow-colored-feather Indian headdresses (the sort of things you might find in the Dollar Tree, but it wasn't from the Dollar Tree, to be clear). It was fun. Then everyone left, and we somehow ended up being the last ones hanging around. So, Ryan got a crazy idea to go to Backspace and shoot some pool, since it was open 'till two (it was now 11). April was pretty sleepy, and has a cold, so she didn't really want to go. I wasn't terribly excited about going either, actually. And Paul said he was tired, but he thought it sounded like fun. Then April said she'd go if everyone else wanted to go... So of course I said I wanted to go. I felt bad 'cause we were keeping her from rest, but we've also never played pool with her. I saw it as another opportunity to hang out with and get to know her a little bit better.

So anyway, we ended up driving to Backspace. As any situation is, when two cars of people who know each other are trying to get to the same destination, it was a race. If Naito Parkway wasn't closed we totally would have won. And since it's Saturday night, there was absolutely NO parking. So we drove around for about ten minutes, parked, walked to Backspace, and played some POOL!!! WOOOOO!

I was doing a pretty good job tonight. I hit a bunch of shots in that I could have easily missed. I even cleared the table of our balls, down to one, by strategically planning my shots to line up for the next shot. I was pretty proud of myself. We played three games. Okay, so here's why it totally sucked. The first game, I was paired with Paul. We were doing alright, about tied with April and Ryan. Then, three times in a row, I had to save us from knocking the 8 ball in before our last ball. The third time, I failed. Ryan and April win by default. :(

Next game, I'm paired with Ryan. This is the game where I was pretty much wow-ing everyone with all the consecutive and precise shots I was making. Then, I go for a bank shot... The cue ball bounces around, the 8 ball comes from no where, and the cue knocks the 8 straight into the pocket. LAAAMMMEEE!! Ugh, I pretty much died. Paul and April win by default.

Third game. Last game. I'm paired with April. This is the game where I caught us up to Paul and Ryan by clearing the table but for one of our balls by strategy. Woo, go me! Then, just the 8 is left on the table. Both teams are chasing it around, shot-by-shot. And Ryan scratches. April and I win by default.

Talk about dissatisfying game play. It was a good night, though! Now I'm gonna watch some Arrested Development and go to bed. Good night!


I like manual labor

getting my hands dirty
working up a sweat
measuring success by progress
having something to be proud of in the end
something i did


Oh the places you'll go!

Bleh. I started posting a to-do list just now, but then I decided against it. It's basically just a bunch of "do this homework" and "do this in preparation for our roadtrip."

So anyway, my friend Tommy called me today. That was awesome! I haven't talked to him since the middle of the summer. Also today, I watched Arrested Development. The third disc of season one came from Netflix today. I absolutely love that show. I'm hooked. Really.

I talked to my parents on Tuesday. I haven't talked to them since... oh, January? Yeah, that sounds about right. There hasn't really been anything new with them, though. My mom started a new job, as a personal secretary, about three weeks ago. She hasn't been working since she was pregnant with my little sister, who will be three at the end of this month. And my step-dad, he already wants her to quit so she can stay home again. I find it kind of weird; I was happy for my mom when she got the job. Besides, they need it. And my step-dad, he just bought a motorcycle. I think it's silly. I might even go so far as to say it's ridiculous. Bleh, whatever.

Hm. I don't really know what to talk about. I'm in the mood to post! But I have nothing to say. Haha, oh well. Maybe I'll just ramble for a while. Continue the trend of how this post is already going.

Oh, I got a Christmas present Tuesday night, from Meggan and Daniel. It's a Depeche Mode dvd, videos from 1986 to 1998. Can you say 'awesome?' Yeah. Awesome. Oh, and then Wednesday afternoon (aka Friendsday) Tom gave me a green ball encased in a net. Then when you squeeze it, little orange bulbouses come out. It's actually really cool; I was entertained by it for quite a while. Fun stuff.

So... it still feels like there' s something I should be talking about. I just can't figure out what it is though. Hmmmmmmmm.........


Bam bam bam-bam ba-bam bam bam-bam, I wanna be seduced (not sedated)

Yesterday and today are AIGA fundraising days. We borrowed a screenprinting press from Ryan, set it up nice and early in the mornings, and print tshirts for people all day. It's pretty neat; before we agreed to help out with this I knew nothing about the process. Now I'm explaining it to other people!

So, my ten-page paper was due Monday, and I didn't turn it in. I still will, don't worry. It accounts for 60% of my grade so I'm not just going to blow it off. But keep in mind, I have failed a single class twice before I passed it, because the class was made for writing one single paper. Bleh.

Ummm... So, I started this post an hour ago... I've sort of lost interest since then. Been doin' other things, you know how it goes. I'll probably write the next time I feel like it.


The Past and the Pending

"Held to the past, too aware of the pending."

Hm, Paul and I were just talking. I think I go through this phase every, oh, six months or so. I get really restless with my life. I realize my age, and that these are the prime years of my life, and that they'll be over before I know it, and that one of my biggest fears is to wake up one day and realize I've wasted those years being unhappy, or "just settling." And then I think a little while about a lifestyle change, and then it never happens. Bleh. Forget about it.

I'm writing a ten-page paper this weekend! Yay. Due Monday.

So, last night was fun. Paul and I went to Ryan and April's house to prepare some t-shirts we're selling on Monday and Tuesday, then after we went out for dinner at a delicious place called Si Senior's. Yum. Afterwards, we (minus April) ended up going to the Wunderland Nickel Arcade for some good times. And then Athena, Clint, David, and Tom showed up and we all had some more good times. Then? We went back to David and Athena's place to all wrestle with Clint aka Hulk. So much fun! Woo. After about a half an hour, of him taking on three people at a time, he was finally pinned by Ryan, David and Athena. He was a little sore today, but wow did he put up a good fight.

Um, enjoy the rest of your weekend. More to come later, probably.