

Does anyone believe that the first day/week of classes sets the mode for the rest of your term? I hope that's how it works, 'cause I had a pretty good day. I had Environmental Graphic Design today, which seems like a class that could be a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it, at this point. It seems like something that I could even be interested in as a career... who knows.

After class I swung by my apartment to grab my mail, and met my new "roommate." She seemed like a sweet girl, and I'm not entirely sure she was happy with the two girls she's now stuck living with. I don't blame her... they're a bit slobbish, from what I've gathered. I shouldn't be "living" there for too much longer; my lease is up in March, and I'll probably just move my junk up to Paul's parents' house for storage until we get our own place.

On the way home from my apartment, while turning onto the freeway on-ramp, I glanced into my rear-view mirror just in time to catch a jeep absolutely TEARING around the corner behind me. It drifted (Tokyo-style) around the corner, nearly toppling as it did so, then violently swerved several times in both the lanes behind me to regain control. It was too dark to see his face, but I wish I could have known if this maneuver ended up manifesting his joy, or his soiled pants...

I'd love to update you on my Winter break at this point, but at the moment I've a three-page paper to write, as well as a month of dinners to finish planning. You see, my New Year's Resolution was to get fit, which essentially means, for me, to gain some muscle mass. But I figured that before I can do anything, I should start eating right so I actually have the health/energy/nutrition to work out. On top of that, Paul decided he'd like to start eating right, so we decided on this decide-our-meals-in-advance system, so we know which foods to keep on hand, and so we can monitor what exactly it is we're eating, and make sure it's mostly things that are good for us. Maybe I'll post the calendar when I'm done with it, so you can use it... It'll be like you're eating dinner with us!

OH! One last thing... also on the way home, I heard a very fun new song, by none other than Modest Mouse! Apparently they have a new album coming out soon(ish) called We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank, and the song I heard was called Dashboard. Just thought I'd share the news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound like you have a plan. I hope your term goes as well as you think it will. Good luck with everything.