
I've got my love to keep me warm

Well, I'm in California for break. I got here on Wednesday and guess what... it's been 60-70 degrees the past few days! Amazing. I keep insisting on wearing the wonderful jackets I got for Christmas, but I end up leaving them in the car the rest of the day because it's just too warm. Oh well.

I haven't really done anything at all besides play with my little sister until yesterday. We went to my grandma's house for the traditional family get-together. My Uncle has four kids with ages ranging from 9 years old to 9 months old, and my little sister is 2. So of course the gift-giving is mostly for these people, who go absolutely wild when presented with billions of nicely-wrapped boxes. It was fun to watch for about 20 minutes, then I just wanted to go to sleep. They're so energetic they could wear out an elephant (I have no idea if that's easy or hard to do, but I'm sure they could do it). Anyway, I got some stuff to soak my feet from my aunt... I'm going to relax as soon as I get back to Portland (yes, my vacation is making me want a vacation from it).

Then today was Christmas!!!! Woo. But the Northern California Christmas prevails, as today the weather dropped to a surprising degree (still not entirely "cold," however) and it was raining. We got up at a nice early 8 o'clock and I blinked myself awake as I watched Abby drool over her new kitchen playset, desk, and spring rocking horse. But... guess what I got?? Nope, you're wrong. Don't worry, I didn't guess it right either. I got a digital camera! Woo! Yeah, I used to have one, but it doesn't turn on anymore. It's just old, it's okay. But I have a new one! I don't have to borrow Paul's anymore. Oh, and I got some really warm, nice slippers. So, of course, I am very excited about the results of Christmas '05.

Woo! I don't feel nervous about the new year at all this year*! Hope everyone is enjoying their break or holidays or whatever else it is you should be trying to enjoy!!

*Last year I really wasn't ready for a new year to begin, so of course, the whole beginning of 2005 was absolutely horrible and one of the worst times of my life.

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