

So, I've been neglecting a new post due to my lack of wanting to talk about everything that happened on Spring Break. Don't get me wrong, it was a ton of fun, and nothing regrettable about it whatsoever. But seeing as how I'm lazy, and there are a lot of things to talk about, and I want to get back to posting about other things, I'll just put up a link where someone else (Meggan) has already talked about all the details, pictures included.

School's gotten off to a pretty slow start for me. I have three classes and an internship, which I have yet to land. I really should be more agressive about that. Three different opportunities have practically fallen into my lap, and I have yet to pursue them any further. Man I'm lazy.

On a different note, I will be twenty-one years old in 18 days, and I'm pretty excited. I was going to go to the Acropolis with two guy friends on the midnight of my birthday, but one of them can't make it, so that has to wait for a few months. Sunday night, the night of the day of my birthday, I'm going out with a bunch of friends. I don't know where to yet, though. But there will be alchohol involved.

I just lost a lot of steam really quickly. Hm. I have nothing else to say at the moment, really. I'll get back to you. Ta ta.

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