
And so my misdirection is...?

Paul and I just learned that I'm retarded. I was doing some quick equations, and got every step wrong. He told me I should go back to a math class, and I said I could do algebra. He asked me to solve x+7=11. An easy one. I got it wrong... The answer is 4, not 6 (oops...).

"My girlfriend is retarded!" Paul sulked.
"Yeah, but nobody knows it..." I offered. "It's sort of like when no one realized Charlize Theron was retarded on Arrested Development, because she was so cute."
"Well, it's sort of like that. Except you don't have the 'cute' factor working for you."

Aww... sucks for me.

In other news, we went to go see Silent Hill last night. What a creepy movie! Holy crap. Creepy. But good; Paul and I both liked it. But it was really creepy. Ew.

And in still other news, I'm uploading a bunch of new photos on Flickr, since it's a new month and I have more space to do so.

And in yet other news still, I did manual labor today! Wooooo! Shovelin' dirt and sheeit. Good times! I haven't done yard work since I lived with my parents. I kinda miss it...


Anonymous said...

Ah, math. Just remember that the hamiltonion operator times the wave function of an electron is equal to h-bar over 2m times the second derivative of x times the wave function of the electron.

lowercase callie said...

OH! Yes. Thanks so much Lucas, that helps a ton. Really.