
Shouldn't a song called "Cowbell" include some cowbell?

If only blogging were as satisfying as digging the crud from under my fingernails with an Xacto knife... I think I'd post a lot more often, and have more interesting things to say when I did.

It seems that lately, bloggers across teh intarwebs are having existential discussions. "Why do I blog?" "Do I really want comments?" "Who really cares?" Well, I've decided to join the bunch, in giving my own opinions on the matters.

Concerning comments: I certainly don't expect comments. I'm not disappointed when I don't receive comments, and when I do, it's like a little bonus. I blog mainly for me, because it's much easier than keeping a diary (I've started diaries before, and they always fall by the wayside), but of course, it's also to keep my friends informed. It's somewhat of a record of my thoughts. Although, I certainly don't use it that way... maybe I should.

Concerning content: I write about anything. I don't really have many constants in my life, so it's easier just to write about "my life, in general." Though, I can't help but wonder... does that make it boring? Does that make it irrelevant to anyone I don't know? Probably. I think if I were someone else, I certainly wouldn't look forward to reading new posts on this blog. It's inconsistent, and it's less-than-entertaining.

That said, let's move on to today's regularly scheduled post.

The good news is, Backstreet boys has not been stuck in my head since the day I posted about it. Hooray! The other good news is, Paul and I were not fighting about the little incident that occurred a few days ago. Instead, it spurred a lengthy, in-depth, nice discussion, which was great. Just thought I'd let you know. And the last good news is: there is no bad news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.